BOGO Book Review!

Well, I have laid to rest my collection of Nicholas Sparks novels after my latest read — At First Sight. I am sick and tired of a book that should have a happy ending (it is a romance novel, right?) ending with everyone important to the main character dying/getting sick/ both/ dating someone else. I don’t know if this guy’s heard of happy endings, but I’ve only read one book by him with one, The Wedding, the lesser known sequel to The Notebook.

At First Sight isn’t a bad book, but it’s just not what I want anymore. It’s not that I want a happy ending or that I want everything to go how it should, I just want a good novel.

However, I finished a minor read that I’ve been working on for months. For my birthday, my awesome boyfriend got me Captain America: Reborn. It’s kind of a sequel to the Civil War series following Captain America’s death after another group of comics that followed CW. I thought that the writing was great and the artwork has even inspired what my kitchen will look like when I get an apartment next summer. The dark colors that are broken up by Cap’s red, white, and blue complement each other enough to work, but contrast enough to be noticed. The cover art for the hardback collection is awesome, just like the cover art for the comics inside. All of the covers in the back of the book are great. The artists for this collection were amazing and I’m really glad to have received it as one of my birthday presents.

Starting tomorrow, I’m beginning on a journey. A journey to read thirty-one books in a year. Not a hard task, you may say. Nay says I. One of the novels is War and Peace. The entire Lord of the Rings collection is in there, too. All of the books I’ll be reading are classics or modern classics, all lengthy in pages and words. I’m excited, my friends.

About bookgirl3410

I'm an English major at East Tennessee State University. I love to read, but I haven't in a while. So I'm going to start reading every book on my bookshelf that I haven't read, re-read some others on there, and then start on some classics.
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